District 54 staff work with parents and students to keep students healthy. However, sometimes students do get sick. We appreciate the fact that our parents have been diligent about keeping their children home when they are sick and notifying our school office.
If children are vomiting or have a fever (100 degrees Fahrenheit or greater), they will be sent home and parents will be advised to keep sick children home for at least 24 hours after they stop vomiting or do not show signs of fever, without using fever-reducing drugs (any medicine that contains ibuprofen or acetaminophen).
Health Requirements
All students must be up-to-date with physical examination and immunization requirements. All completed forms must be turned into the School Nurse Office.
Physical Exam: The Illinois School Code requires that children entering preschool, kindergarten (or first grade if kindergarten was not attended) and sixth grade must have had a physical exam within one year prior to starting that grade level. Students of any age transferring from a school outside Illinois must also have had a physical within the last year. School Physical Form (Spanish Physical Form) Click here for a list of clinics that offer physicals and immunizations.
Immunizations: All immunizations must be current according to the requirements of the Illinois School Code. Students who fail to comply will be excluded from school. List of Immunization Requirements by Grade Level. Information regarding Influenza (flu) and Meningococcal Disease and the vaccine can be accessed below or on the Illinois Department of Public Health website.
If you would like to apply for religious exemption of immunizations, please complete the Illinois Religious Exemption Instructions and Form
Dental Exam: Students in kindergarten, second and sixth grade also must have had a dental exam within 18 months of May 15th of that school year.
Eye Exam: All children enrolling in kindergarten or entering an Illinois school for the first time must provide proof of an eye exam completed by an ophthalmologist or optometrist or proof of an appointment for an eye exam no later than October 15th. District 54 vision screening is not a substitute for a complete evaluation by an eye doctor. Your child is not required to be screened if you submit a form signed by an optometrist or ophthalmologist indicating that an exam has been administered in the previous 12 months. Eye Exam Form Eye Exam Waiver
Sports Exam: Students must have a current physical exam to participate in interscholastic and contact intramural sports. Students may NOT try out for a sport without a physical exam. Sports physicals are valid for 395 days. To participate in sports, only page 2 of the physical is required as all other information is already in your student’s record. School Physical Form (Spanish Physical Form)
Vision Screening
Vision and hearing screening will be conducted in School District 54 as per the Illinois Department of Public Health rules and regulations. Vision screening is not a substitute for a complete eye and vision evaluation by an eye doctor.
School Nurses – What We Do
All schools have a full-time nurse assigned to the school who provide for the care and well-being of our students by
- Providing emergency care with appropriate parent notification and medical referral;
- Administering medications and treatments;
- Performing specialized health care procedures;
- Accessing community health resources;
- Assessing individual health needs and develop and implement care plans as needed;
- Collaborating with administration and staff regarding special health care needs of students;
- Screening vision and hearing with referral and follow-up as needed;
- Ensuring compliance with State of Illinois mandates for physical examination and immunizations;
- Managing communicable disease in accordance with Illinois Department of Public Health guidelines;
- Functioning as a member of the Child Study Team (CST) by assessing the impact of medical factors on learning; and
- Providing health and safety education to students and staff.
If your child has a significant medical history, it is important to share the information with the school nurse so that they can coordinate a safe and competent care plan for your child at school. If your child becomes ill or is injured during school, every effort will be made to contact you or the person you designate on your child’s emergency form.
Keep the emergency contact information up to date by notifying the school of changes. If the nurse determines that paramedic assistance is necessary, 911 will be called and the child will be taken to the closest hospital. Each village sets its own fees for ambulance transportation.
Excuse from PE or Recess
With written verification from you, your child may be excused from physical education or outdoor activities for up to three days following an illness or accident. Any restriction for more than three days requires written verification from a doctor detailing the length and type of restriction.