Reporting to Families

Families can log in to their child’s record on our parent portal and see report cards, current grades, absences, demographic information and assessment information. Report cards will be available online a few days after the end of each trimester. The 2023-24 trimesters end on Nov. 3, 2023, Feb. 23, 2024 and May 29, 2024.

Grades and attendance information on the report card become a part of a student’s permanent record. Parents and students have the right to view a child’s records. Click here to read the District 54 Student Records Policy.

Parent-teacher conferences are held in November. However, should you desire a conference at any time during the school year, contact your child’s teacher to schedule a mutually acceptable time. 

Any concern you may have about your child’s education should first be discussed with the classroom teacher. If further discussion is needed, you may contact the principal who will answer your questions or put you in touch with the appropriate central office administrator.