Demonstrate understanding and enjoyment of literature.
- With teacher assistance, ask and answer questions about books read aloud.
- With teacher assistance, retell familiar stories with three or more key events.
- With teacher assistance, discuss illustrations in books and make personal connections to the pictures and story.
Demonstrate interest in and understanding of informational text.
- With teacher assistance, ask and answer questions about details in a nonfiction book.
Demonstrate increasing awareness of and competence in emergent reading skills and abilities.
- Begin to follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page.
- Recognize and name some upper/lowercase letters of the alphabet, especially those in own name.
- With teacher assistance, begin to form some letters of the alphabet, especially those in own name.
- With teacher assistance, recognize and match words that rhyme.
- Demonstrate ability to segment and blend syllables in words (e.g. “trac/tor, tractor”).
- Recognize own name and common signs and labels in the environment.
- With teacher assistance, demonstrate understanding of the one-to-one correspondence of letters and sounds.
Demonstrate increasing awareness of and competence in emergent writing skills and abilities.
- Use scribbles, letter-like forms, or letter/words to represent written language.
- With teacher assistance, use a combination of drawing, dictating, or writing to narrate a single event and provide reaction to what happened.
Demonstrate increasing competence in oral communication (listening and speaking).
- Follow simple one-, two-, and three-step directions.
- With teacher assistance, participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners (e.g., peers and adults in both small and large groups) about age-appropriate topics and texts.
- Continue a conversation through two or more exchanges.
- Speak using age-appropriate conventions of Standard English grammar and usage.
- With teacher assistance, begin to use increasingly complex sentences.
- With teacher assistance, explore word relationships to understand the concepts represented by common categories of words. (e.g. food, clothing, vehicles).