World Languages

Students can select Spanish as a World Language elective at the junior high level.

Spanish 1 and Spanish 2

This two year course sequence corresponds to one year of high school level Spanish. Students learn to communicate on familiar topics using phrases and simple sentences. This highly participatory class builds a strong foundation for future language learning. Students who meet the learning outcomes of Spanish 1 and 2 are recommended to take Spanish 2 at the high school level.

Pre-AP Chinese, Pre-AP Japanese and Pre-AP Spanish

Students who have participated in dual language or immersion programs at the elementary school level participate in this advanced language course. The course curriculum aligns with the six College Board Advanced Placement themes with three themes taught each year. The curriculum enriches students’ oral language, grammar, literacy skills and cultural understanding.

  • Pre-AP Spanish is offered at Eisenhower, Frost, Keller and Mead. 
  • Pre-AP Chinese and Pre-AP Japanese are offered at Addams.

Honors Spanish

Honors Spanish is a junior high elective course designed for students who speak Spanish at home. It is offered for 7th and 8th students, and allows students who speak Spanish at home to participate in a theme-based course that provides the opportunity to maintain and continue to develop proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing in Spanish.