The mission of the Autism Resource Center (ARC) is to provide access to resources, consultation and training for caregivers and educators supporting students receiving special education services in School District 54.
Consultations for Home Support are available by Zoom to support:
- Problem-solving challenging behaviors in the home and community
- Preparing your child for changes in the home or school environment
- Developing personal care routines (toileting/hygiene/puberty)
- Connecting you to community and school resources
- Assisting in the creation of visual supports and supplemental activities to support your child’s IEP goals
Parents and Staff can request a consultation by completing a 2024 Consult Request Form.
Lending Library
The D54 ARC Lending Library is open for limited walk-in and check-out services. Please call the center for updated weekly hours 847-357-5055 or email
austinhewett@sd54.org for a dedicated time. The library is located inside of Nathan Hale School in room 108. Over 2000 items are available for checkout, visual supports are available to use at home, and a variety of Tip Sheets are easily accessible via the center.
The D54 Autism Resource Center will be hosting a variety of parent trainings through ZOOM. The current schedule for trainings and classes are listed on the Virtual Backpack.