Early Instrumental Music Program FAQs

We are excited to know that you are interested in District 54’s Early Instrumental Music Program at Dooley Elementary School. Hopefully the information on this page helps answer any questions you may have about the program. Should you have any additional questions, feel free to contact Dooley Elementary School directly at 847-357-6250.

The goals of the Early Instrumental Music Program are

  • To provide high quality violin instruction within the school day to children starting in kindergarten;
  • To offer students opportunities to perform and
  • To foster a love of music in students and their parents.

Students in the Early Instrumental Music Program must be students at Dooley either through neighborhood residency or as participants in the Japanese-English Dual Language Program.

Violin lessons and group classes are offered to students in upper grade levels who choose to continue violin instruction.

There has been ample research to show that education in the arts, especially in music, enhances many aspects of cognitive and emotional development. Research has proven that knowledge of the arts is an essential component of a multidisciplinary comprehensive education. This program will encourage optimal learning for all students in a structured, yet creative environment.

The Early Instrumental Music Program uses the Suzuki Method. The Suzuki philosophy is based on the belief that all children can learn given the proper environment, and requires the parent to participate in the lessons and home practice. Parents are also required to provide a musical home environment by playing recordings of the music to be learned daily. No prior musical experience is required for students or parents in order to be successful.

The practice sessions will range from 5 to 10 minutes at first, and increase as the child advances. The average practice time for second- and third-year students is 30 minutes daily. Consistent daily practice at home is required for success in this program.

We encourage at least one parent or guardian of each kindergarten, first-grade and second-grade student in the program to attend the weekly lesson and weekly repertoire class with the child. At the class, you will learn how to help your children at home.

We highly encourage parents of third-grade students to attend their children’s weekly lessons as well. It is essential that parents assist students during home practice sessions.

Lessons are scheduled for 30 minutes between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on school days. Every effort will be made to schedule lessons at a time that is instructionally beneficial for the child, as well as convenient for the parent. Lessons are scheduled at the same time and day each week.

The music lessons are free. However, parents are responsible for instrument rental and materials fees.

  • Rental prices range from $25 to $40 per month.
  • Materials will cost approximately $25 per year.