A recording from tonight’s meeting will be posted to the District 54 YouTube channel after it has finished processing.
Prior to the meeting, the School Board recognized student athletes involved in winter sports, including boys basketball, girls volleyball, wrestling and the District 54 Grizzlies Special Olympics teams.
Public Comment
No one asked to speak.
Freedom of Information Act Requests
District 54 received and replied to seven Freedom of Information Act requests since the last report to the Board related to purchasing records, nutritional services, nursing, therapy and behavioral service contracts, copier, printer and MFP agreements, summer renovations and Library Furniture International contracts.
Consent Agenda
The Board approved the following items on the Consent Agenda.
- Minutes of the regular Board of Education meeting on February 13, 2025
- Resignations, leaves, retirement, employment and honorable dismissal of personnel
- The staffing plan for the 2025-26 school year
- Checks dated February 7 and 21, 2025
- The treasurer’s report on cash and investments for January 2025
- The monthly update of revenues and expenditures for January 2025
- The consumable materials, milk and parent-paid transportation fees for 2025-2026
- The facility usage and the before- and after-school child care facilities usage fee rates for 2025-2026
- Contracts for 2025 summer renovations, 2025 summer site improvements and 2025 and 2026 sealcoating projects
- The purchase of literacy instructional materials from Learning Without Tears and Zaner Bloser
- The purchase of supplemental digital texts from Scholastic
- The purchase of site licenses for FUSE, STEM-based learning
- The purchase of surveillance technology for Addams Junior High
- The purchase of technology licensing and support from DreamBox, Microsoft and RTI
The Board received thank you notes from the Math Task Force for approving the new math curriculum and from Aldrin School for attending their Multicultural Night.
Board President’s Report
Board President Jim Pye praised the students, staff and volunteers involved in the Chain Reaction Competition, Aldrin Multicultural Night and District 54 Multicultural Event in the past month.
DCAC Report
Board Member Barbara Hengels shared that the District Citizen’s Advisory Committee heard a report about PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports).
Board Member Nick Scippione said District 54’s membership in the Illinois Association of School Boards, Consortium of State School Boards Association and ED-RED are important so the board can learn about current legislative and how to advocate for education.
D54 Foundation Report
Board Member Bob Kaplan reported that at its last meeting, a Crisis Fund subcommittee discussed what larger expenditures the Crisis Fund can support and heard from District 54 social workers who are directly working with struggling families. He shared that the Foundation is looking for sponsors and donors for its June 9 golf outing. Sign up at d54foundation.org.
PTA Report
The PTA shared that 35 District 54 students have projects moving to the state level of the PTA Reflections competition in the areas of Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts. The Northwest Cook Region PTA reception will be held on April 28. Tomorrow is the STC Auction Dinner to raise funds to support high school scholarships and elementary level camp scholarships.
The Board wished the PTA a happy Founders Day (it was Feb. 17) and thanked them for their service.
Board members also shared their praise for the District 54 Student Art Show at the Prairie Center last night, family nights at Aldrin and Armstrong elementary schools, and the District 54 Multicultural Event.
The Board adjourned at 7:19 p.m. to enter closed session for the semi-annual review of minutes of closed-session meetings and employment/appointment matters.