Multilingual Programs

Celebrating 30 Years of Spanish Dual Language

We are proud to announce that this year marks the 30th anniversary of Spanish Dual Language in District 54!  In the fall of 1994, the first group of students in the Spanish Dual Language program in District 54 walked through the doors of MacArthur International Spanish Academy. Thirty years later, the program has grown to include over 400 students who are committed to the program goals of becoming bilingual and biliterate.

We are looking forward to celebrating and commemorating the 30th anniversary of Spanish Dual Language at MacArthur International Spanish Academy and would like to invite Spanish Dual Language alumni, former staff, and current and former program families to join us on Friday, April 4, from 9 – 11 a.m. During the event, students, staff, alumni, and community members will celebrate the growth and development of the Spanish Dual Language Program at MacArthur and in District 54.

To help us plan for the event, please RSVP here: D54 30th Anniversary of Spanish Dual RSVP Form.


13th Annual Spanish Speech Contest

District 54 is excited to announce its 13th annual Spanish Speech Contest on May 2, 2025. Students in 3rd through 8th grade who are interested in participating should prepare a written speech, a video of themselves delivering the speech and submit both along with the application by March 7. Finalists will be notified via Parent Square on April 11. For more information or to submit an application, visit the District 54 Spanish Speech Contest website.


Assessment, Programs and Curriculum

In an effort to provide appropriate instruction for all students, the state of Illinois requires that any student who speaks a language other than English or lives in a home where a language other than English is spoken be given an English language screening assessment. The purpose of the assessment is to determine if the student qualifies for support as an English Learner.

Learn more by visiting the Assessment Center page.

Students that qualify for support based on the English language proficiency screening receive language support at their base school.

Students receive varying levels of language and content support based on their English proficiency level, as well as their academic and language needs. The majority of the instruction takes place in the general education classroom with push-in support from the English Learner (EL) resource teacher during small group instruction. Support can also be provided through one of our Dual Language or Immersion programs.

As an English Learner, your child receives an English Language Development report each trimester.  The report is completed by your child’s EL Resource teacher and shares information regarding their progress in developing proficiency in the areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing.  The steps for viewing  your child’s report through the Parent Portal are described here: English Language Development Report video

To learn more about the English Learner Resource Program, including recordings from the most recent English Learner Kindergarten Night, visit the English Learners page.

Dual Language and Immersion are programs of choice that are available for all students in District 54. Dual Language classes at the elementary level are composed of approximately 50% English or other language proficient students and 50% Spanish or Japanese-proficient students. Chinese Immersion is a one-way immersion experience where the majority of students have no prior experience or proficiency in the Chinese language. Dual Language and Chinese Immersion teachers and the English partner teachers foster high academic achievement by teaching the two target languages through content. These programs seek to develop academic and cultural competence and bilingualism for students from kindergarten through eighth grade.

Learn more by visiting the Dual Language and Immersion Programs page.

Students can select Spanish as a World Language elective at the junior high level. Classes include Spanish 1 and 2 and Honors Spanish. Students in our Dual Language and Immersion programs participate in Pre-AP Chinese, Japanese or Spanish.

Learn more by visiting the Junior High World Language Electives page.

As a member of the Multilingual Programs Department, the District 54 Parent Liaison helps to bridge the transition for families new to U.S. schools and the district by serving as a connection point between parents and district personnel, public agencies, community agencies and groups.

Families who are new to the U.S. and the district are invited to meet with the Parent Liaison during their student’s language proficiency assessment. As they meet, they have the opportunity to discuss any information that may be helpful in getting to know their student, as well as learn more about the educational system in the U.S., district procedures and support that is available for language learners.

The liaison also provides additional information that may be helpful regarding district and community support, such as the free and reduced lunch program, immunization clinics, social work, after school care and the food pantry. During the school year, classes will also be offered to provide support with different aspects of the school system, such as setting up and using the Parent Portal. 

Multicultural Parent Advisory Council

You are invited to be a part of the Multicultural Parent Advisory Council (MPAC), a group of parents, community members and staff who work together to support students in the District 54 English Learner (EL) program and their families. 

The goals of MPAC are

  • To provide programmatic advice and recommendations to the Dept. of Language and Culture;
  • To provide leadership and support to families of students in the District 54 EL program;
  • To serve as a communication link between District 54 staff and families; and 
  • To plan and help implement parent education and involvement activities to support teaching and learning activities of all District 54 students.

Notification of Release of Records – High School Transition

The most recent results from the AAPPL language test, the WIDA Screener and ACCESS for ELLs are District 54 student records. These records enable the high school district to prepare for your student’s transition from District 54 into high school. This notification provides written notice that District 54 will share student’s current AAPPL, WIDA Screener and/or ACCESS for ELLs results with District 211 as part of the transition process following the completion of 7th grade.

Additional Resources