In order to enroll a child in District 54, families are asked to provide proof that you reside in the district. Please make sure all documents are current and have your name and the address within District 54 boundaries.
If you already have a child attending a District 54 school, we will attempt to verify the address information electronically. If that is not possible, you will have the ability to upload your residency electronically through your portal account. If you do not have a portal account, you can also email the required documents to [email protected].
You will need one of the following documents:
- Category A: (a copy of at least one (1) of the following documents reflecting name and a home address within District 54 boundaries):
- the most recent real estate tax bill, mortgage statement or closing statement (if within 90 days) for residence showing owner as the taxpayer;
- a signed lease for the residence including a beginning and end date and/or Section 8 letter; or
- military housing letter.
- Category B: (a copy of at least two (2) of the following documents reflecting name and a home address within District 54 boundaries):
- Illinois driver’s license, state ID or automobile registration;
- gas, water, electric, internet, television, telephone/cellular phone bill or letter confirming service connection;
- public assistance documentation;
- bank statement;
- home or vehicle insurance certificate;
- employment pay stub/wage statement; or
- physician or hospital statement.
Any person asserting legal custody over a student, who is not the student’s parent or legal guardian, must provide current documentation from a court supporting the student custody arrangement.
Students who are in a temporary living situation may attend school in the district pursuant to provisions of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. Learn more about McKinney-Vento.