
Board Members

All District 54 School Board members can be reached by calling (847) 357-5036.

Board Meetings

The Board of Education for Schaumburg Community Consolidated School District 54 holds its regular meetings at 7 p.m. on the following dates in the Board Room of the Rafferty Administration Center, 524 E. Schaumburg Road, Schaumburg, Illinois. Individuals are invited to attend the meeting in person or watch the live broadcast. Links to the live broadcast will be published the week of the meeting below.

Upcoming Meeting Dates

  • April 17, 2025
  • May 1, 2025 (Reorganizational meeting at 6 p.m.)
  • May 15, 2025
  • June 5, 2025

Detailed agendas and minutes from board meetings are available on our BoardDocs site

Public Participation at Board Meetings

Notification of any changes or additions to these meeting times, dates or locations will be provided as required under the Open Meetings Act. For further information about Board of Education meetings, please call (847) 357-5036.

Citizens are invited to attend District 54 board meetings and to express their views on subjects related to the operation of the school system. Public schools have historically been guided and maintained through local control. In keeping with this tradition, the School Board actively seeks the advice and counsel of citizens. The School Board provides time at its regular meetings for citizens to express interest in and concerns about District 54 schools. As a taxpayer, you are part owner in the public school system.

Matters concerning an individual school should be discussed first with the principal at the school. If the problem cannot be resolved at the school, it should be brought to the attention of Superintendent Andrew DuRoss.

Board Policies

One of the roles of the District 54 Board of Education is the implementation and review of policies. The Board Policy Committee meets to review existing policies and consider new policies. Any recommendations are brought to the entire School Board for a first reading, and then to a second meeting for final approval. The District 54 Board Policy Manual is available on our BoardDocs website.

Board Training

All Illinois school board members must receive training in the Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/1.05) and professional development leadership training (105 ILCS 5/10-16a). The professional development leadership training includes education and labor law, financial oversight and accountability, and fiduciary responsibilities. All seven District 54 board members have completed this training.


One of the goals of the Board of Education is to recognize the accomplishments of all members of our school community:  students, staff, volunteers, parents, former students and community members. In order to meet this goal, we want to hear from you! If you know someone you believe should be recognized by the Board of Education, please let us know. You do not have to be an employee to recommend someone for this recognition or to receive recognition.

An individual (or groups) who go beyond the expectations of their position. Please attach a one-page statement clearly explaining what the individual has done to merit District 54 recognition.

To nominate someone for an Above and Beyond award, please complete a Recognition Nomination Form.

An individual who was nominated for an award or received an award from outside District 54. Please attach as much information as possible about the award for which recognition is being recommended, such as the organization offering the award, the type of award, the reason the person was nominated for the award, when the nomination was made, if the award was conferred, the presentation date, etc. We would like to recognize those who have achieved such milestones and by doing so, brought recognition to District 54.

To nominate someone for an Ambassador of Excellence award, please complete a Recognition Nomination Form.

An individual who attended District 54 schools and upon graduating has made exceptional contributions to his profession, discipline or community since graduation. Please include the schools the individual attended, as well as what years.

To nominate someone for an Outstanding Alumni award, please complete a Recognition Nomination Form.