As a member of the Multilingual Programs Department, the District 54 Parent Liaison helps to bridge the transition for families new to U.S. schools and the district by serving as a connection point between parents and district personnel, public agencies, community agencies and groups.
Families who are new to the U.S. and the district are invited to meet with the Parent Liaison during their student’s language proficiency assessment. As they meet, they have the opportunity to discuss any information that may be helpful in getting to know their student, as well as learn more about the educational system in the U.S., district procedures and support that is available for language learners.
The liaison also provides additional information that may be helpful regarding district and community support, such as the free and reduced lunch program, immunization clinics, social work, after school care and the food pantry. During the school year, classes will also be offered to provide support with different aspects of the school system, such as setting up and using the Parent Portal.