Spanish-English Dual Language Program FAQs

We are excited to know that you are interested in District 54’s Spanish-English Dual Language Program. Hopefully the information on this page helps answer any questions you may have about the program. Should you have any additional questions, feel free to contact the school directly. If you are unaware of which Spanish-English Dual Language School your student would attend, please visit the Assignment of Spanish-English Dual Schools page.

The goals are as follows.

  • District 54 will ensure the success of the whole child by providing comprehensive approaches and programming, grounded in the belief that each child deserves to be Healthy, Safe, Engaged, Supported and Challenged.
  • District 54 will perform in the top 10% of all schools in reading and math growth and proficiency as measured by state and local assessments.
  • District 54 will close the achievement gap for all students in reading and math as measured by state and local assessments.

The Japanese-English Dual Language Program also embraces the District 54 Equity & Inclusion Vision Statement:
In District 54, we will promote a culture of unconditional belonging in which all students, staff and community members will be treated with dignity. We will ensure high levels of access to resources, experiences and success. In District 54, we strive to ensure that all students, staff, and community members are

  • Safe, welcome and cared for;
  • Heard, validated and supported; and
  • Represented in curriculum and staffing.

Students will be able to

  • Perform academically at grade level commensurate with their monolingual English-speaking peers; 
  • Use two languages comfortably and effectively in social situations appropriate for their age level;
  • Communicate effectively through reading and writing in two languages at a level appropriate for their age; and
  • Demonstrate an appreciation of cultural diversity and cross-cultural competence across a variety of social situations.

Spanish learners will develop Spanish proficiency at an early age while continuing to grow in English. Native Spanish-speaking children will develop English proficiency while enriching their native language. All children will learn appropriate academic skills and develop target language proficiency. Moreover, your child will be able to develop social skills that allow him to develop cross-cultural friendships. In addition, brain research has shown that bilingual speakers have the opportunity to develop more cognitive flexibility through their bilingualism.

The Spanish-English Dual Language Program will be offered at eight 54 schools during the 2025-2026 school year.

  • Hanover Highlands Elementary School in Hanover Park
  • Enders-Salk Elementary School, Keller Junior High and Frost Junior High in Schaumburg
  • Link Elementary School and Mead Junior High in Elk Grove Village 
  • MacArthur International Spanish Academy and Eisenhower Junior High in Hoffman Estates

The dual language program is open to all families in District 54, with priority given to the children who live in the school’s boundaries and to siblings of students in that school’s dual language program. If there is more interest than space, students will be placed on a waiting list and invited into the program if openings become available. New residents with children at any grade level may request that their child receive a language assessment to determine if the child’s English/Spanish language proficiency is at an appropriate level for  the program. The child’s name will be added to the waiting list. Due to the immersion nature of Spanish language instruction in the dual language program, monolingual students will only be admitted at the kindergarten and first-grade levels. English-learner students will be assessed to determine the best placement for each child.

Since acquiring bilingual proficiency is a long-term process and space is limited, parents are asked to commit for at least a year. When a child is pulled from a program, that space is made available for the next student on the waiting list. Consequently, there is no guarantee of re-admittance.

No. The dual language classes implement District 54’s curriculum at the same rate as other classes. Through careful scaffolding and interactive approaches, children learn the academic content while developing their respective languages. National studies have shown that children in dual language programs, as a group, perform as well or better than their peers on achievement tests in math and literacy. Assessment results of dual language students in School District 54 show the same outcome.

Your child will be with essentially the same group of students from kindergarten through sixth grade. However, grade-level teams collaborate to include all students in academic projects, field trips, recess and extracurricular activities. Dual Language students have opportunities to interact with all students at their grade level.

Teachers teaching dual language classes have the appropriate Illinois certification to be considered highly qualified. Target language teachers have native or near-native proficiency in both English and Spanish. Dual language partner teachers work as a team to monitor the quality of instruction and to implement the most effective teaching strategies in their classrooms.

Children are taught to read, write, listen and speak simultaneously in both English and Spanish using a balanced literacy approach beginning in kindergarten. The District 54 goal for dual language and immersion programs is for all children to be reading at grade level or higher by third grade in English and in the target language. Students continue to increase their proficiency in Spanish and English as they progress through the grade levels.

The Spanish Dual Language schools will host scheduled visits to observe the programs. Each school also has links to additional information on our website at For additional questions, you may call the school and speak to the principal:

  • Mike Henry at MacArthur – 847-357-6650
  • Carrie Azab at Enders-Salk – 847-357-6400
  • Dr. Quinn Wulbecker at Link – 847-357-5300
  • Dr. Amy Thompson at Hanover Highlands – 630-736-4230